Landlords warned over mandatory smoke and carbon monoxide alarms rule
There’s just one month left before landlords – or their agent – must meet the mandatory requirement of fitting smoke and carbon monoxide alarms to their rented properties.

There’s just one month left before landlords – or their agent – must meet the mandatory requirement of fitting smoke and carbon monoxide alarms to their rented properties.
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James Allen is the founding director and owner of Allen Residential. James started in estate agency back in 1997 and after working for a couple of strong independent estate agencies he established Allen Residential in 2005 Keen to invest back into his team, James is dedicated to ensuring that each team member at Allen Residential is a key part of the business, emphasizing the importance of their contributions. His leadership style highlights the significance of a cohesive and dedicated team, fostering a supportive and growth-oriented environment. The business has flourished in recent years, thanks to the staff's commitment to excellence and the implementation of effective systems. James' appreciation for his team’s hard work and dedication is evident, making Allen Residential a thriving and dynamic company.
With an owner who has 35 number of years experience in the industry and 20 years of company history, we bring knowledge, reliability, and expertise to every property transaction.
Our approach is casual and professional, aiming to form personal connections with the people we work with instead of treating them as a number.
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